2011年5月6日 星期五

每日一辭: Spanish Plume

下午在朋友家的後院, 突然飄起了雨. 我們跑進廚房躲雨.
"Yeh-Hey, first drop of rain on my head since I came,"
" You've been lucky, haven't you." Said Joe.

在英國的四月天,天氣出奇地好. 每個人看到我都說, "you are certainly a lucky girl"
Joe興奮地從探頭到後院, "Common, where's the thunder rain."
"Thunder rain? "
That's probably why British people love to talk about the weather.
不過 今天的雨來頭不小, Joe興奮地解釋著,
"It's the Spanish Plume"

事情是這麼發生的. 當來自西班牙的暖鋒飄到英國本島遇上了大西洋冷鋒, 熱對流效應暖鋒迅雷不及掩耳大動作爬到冷鋒頭上, 因此產生雷雨.

晚上11點Joe傳來簡訊, "the thunder has started."

